Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Studio Renovation

Better late than never.  We're finally renovating the studio.  The work is being done on the non-shooting side which will get a new laminate wood floor, base molding, door molding and window casings.  This room slowly became our overflow storage area and started getting embarrassing to have clients see it.  I cleared everything out to have the space ready for the installer.  Today the floor was prepped and floated with level compound.  Tomorrow, the new floor goes down.

 Here you can see the low spots that were leveled.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Mamiya 120mm Macro

I've been selling off some of my unused equipment lately and decided I wanted to find a good Macro lens for my Phase One.  I've been looking around a bit and found a good used one at Optech's Digital in Seattle, but it was priced at $1,300.  I surfed ebay and craigslist, and finally found one at KEH with a EX+ rating (like new condition) for $450.  I jumped on it.  I spent a little time this morning testing it and so far, I'm happy with the results.

Earlier in the week I ordered a Mamiya-to-EOS adapter so I can use my Mamiya lenses on my Canon 5D2.  You loose communication between the camera and the lens using the adapter, but since the lens is manual, that doesn't really matter.

This is a quick test shot and crop from the Phase One.  I missed focus slightly, but the detail and sharpness looks pretty good.  Click to see larger.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Beauty Story

Oh my... looks like I haven't written a blog post in a while.  There's been a lot happening over the last few months, so here's a big Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

I wanted to post a few recent beauty images that I've shot.  My concept was to shoot beauty (with a twist) and have my makeup artist draw a mustache on the model.  It's sort of my own version of the "Got Milk" ad campaign.  This will be an ongoing project and I have a great face scheduled for my second shoot this weekend.  It's nice to photograph something I haven't spent much time on before and it's always great fun trying new things and working with light in different ways.