Sunday, March 15, 2015

Taking My Show On The Road to San Diego on May 9th!

One of the coolest and most fulfilling things I've done in my time as a photographer is to coach other people and watch them grow.  I had to figure out a lot of stuff on my own, and I always wished there was someone I could've leaned on when I was learning studio lighting.
Understanding studio lighting and off-camera flash is one of the best things you can do as a photographer because it's a skill that instantly separates you from the pack.  You don't necessarily have to be a "studio photographer" to learn studio lighting or even have to use it all the time.  But for those tricky situations where you need a little boost, or the times when you want to be a little more creative, it's nice having the tools and the knowledge tucked away in your back pocket. :)

This year at WPPI, I made a few new friends from Southern California, and as we got to chatting, we thought it would be a good idea to bring my lighting clinic on the road to SoCal.  After a lot of planning, I'm thrilled to announce the date of my San Diego Lighting Clinic will be on Saturday May 9th, 2015!  As an added bonus, I've been able to secure Anastasiya (the woman in the image above) to model for us at the clinic!

The location will be at the Hilton Garden Inn in Rancho Bernardo, just north of downtown San Diego.  If you'll be in the area or have friends in the area who might be interested, please feel free to share this post with them

For more clinic details, class outline and tickets, please visit this link.
To maximize the experience for attendees, I'm limiting the seats to only 20.  I hope to see you there!

Here's a pull-back shot and the finished image showing the setup of how this image was made.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Seattle Headshot Photographer Tips - How to Shoot a White Background

Hi gang.  I promise haven't fallen off the face of the planet, I've just been rather busy with life.  I do want to let you know that I've been awarded a Mentor status from a on-line photographer coaching web site called Headshot Crew. and I'm making these quick little videos to provide basic photography tips to other headshot photographers.

This first video is a quick lesson on how to get a perfectly white background in-camera.  Enjoy!


Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Studio Lighting Clinic February 7th 2015!!

I've been asked several times when my next Studio Lighting Clinic will be happening.  I'm proud to say, Ive planned the next one for Saturday, February 7th.
If you or someone you know is a photographer who's interested in learning flash photography, this is the clinic for you.  I hope you can make it. :)

Click here for more details and to buy tickets.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

The Art of the Selfie

The full title of this post should be; "The Art Of The Selfie And How Getting Comfortable In Front Of The Camera Can Help You As A Photographer When You're Behind It".
Image taken 10/2/14

Let me start by saying I’m NOT incredibly comfortable in front of the camera.  I have my own insecurities about my appearance just like everyone else.  I have a lazy eye, imperfect teeth, a soft jawline, and chubby cheeks.  I’m not tall or super athletic and I don’t have a pumped up muscular physique.  I feel that I only have two things going for me… I’m relatively thin and I still have my hair.

Image taken 4/10/14
With that said, I’m forcing myself to become more comfortable in front of the camera.  If you’re a photographer who photographs people, I encourage you to do the same.  When I’m making someone’s headshot, I know how to position them in ways that make them look good and the bonus is I can use the same techniques on myself.  If you’re not quite sure how to position people, practice on yourself.

Image taken 5/8/14

As a separate creative outlet, I’ve started a Seattle menswear blog and I need pictures for it.  All I have is myself, so guess what?  I’m taking a lot of selfies right now.

Image taken 8/27/14
If you’re a photographer I’m assuming you have a web site with an “About Me” page.  Do you have a picture of yourself on that page?  If not, shame on you.  You’re a photographer, there’s no excuse.

Let’s be realistic.  Most people don’t like having their picture taken.  I mean really, who wakes up in the morning (besides supermodels) super excited about getting their picture taken that day?  Hardly anybody.  For most people it’s about as equal as going to the dentist.  As a photographer, you don’t necessarily have to enjoy having your picture taken, but you shouldn’t turn and run or hide your face when someone points a camera at you.  At the very least you should be comfortable with it and know what to do.

Image taken 9/11/14
I think of it this way; I wouldn’t want to hire a doctor that never gets a checkup, would you?  Doctors are healthy, dentists have nice teeth and physical trainers are physically fit.  Photographers should have nice pictures of themselves or at least a good one on their own web site.

You know how weird and insecure you feel when someone’s taking your picture?  That’s the same feeling your clients have.  If we don’t get ourselves on the other side of the camera occasionally, we tend to forget that. 

Image taken 9/17/14
Go grab a photographer pal and take pictures of each other and get more comfortable with it.  If you use Pocket Wizards, go buy the remote camera & pre-trigger adapter wire.  That’s what I use.  It allows you to fire the camera with a pocket wizard in your hand.  No more self-timers.  You can shoot as many as you want without having to get up and go set the timer every time.  Last time I checked they were only like $40 or so.

You don’t have to show the world every single selfie you take, but you should turn it around from time to time and start getting familiar with it.  The exercise itself will pay off.

Monday, September 15, 2014

More Corporate Headshots - Seattle Corporate Headshots

I've been shooting more corporate than talent lately.  It's a nice change especially knowing how critical our digital identity is.  Be in control of your image.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Seattle Corporate Headshots - Session with Lance

What can I say about Lance.  There's some people that you really hit it off with and Lance is one of those guys.  We hit it off so well that he's been working on my teeth.  Let me to explain; Lance is a cosmetic dentist with his own practice just south of me a bit.  He also does speaking & educating in his field, so he needed new headshots to accompany his promotional material.  He's got a great sense of humor and a really great family.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Seattle Headshot Photographer - Session with Bianca

Bianca is a young actress that a few days after our session, booked a AT&T commercial.  Way to go, Bianca!

Monday, May 5, 2014

May Headshot Special!!

I've moved into a larger studio in the same building and I want to celebrate!  I'm offering $100 off all headshot sessions through the entire month of May!

See the "SPECIALS" page at for more details.


Monday, March 17, 2014

30 Headshots in 30 Days.. with a Twist!

I can't believe it, but yes, this is really happening!

For the entire month of April, I'll be discounting my base headshot rate $50 from the normal $299 down to $249, with the goal of doing 30 headshots in 30 days. If I reach this goal, aside from the fact that everyone will have the best headshot of themselves they've ever had, I will invite only those that contributed to a private Spreecast where they'll get to watch me shave my head live on camera.

Hit this link for the details. I hope to see you soon!
